Representative Publications
- Braverman, M., Clevenger, J., Harmon, I., Higgins, A., Horne, Z., Spino, J., & Waskan, J. (2012). Intelligibility is Necessary for Explanation but Accuracy May Not Be. Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Sapporo, Japan.
- Higgins, A., & Smith, B. (2013). A Citation Based View of the Ontology Community in Philosophy. Proceedings of the ACM Web Science 2013. Paris, France.
- [Authors Redacted], Harmon, I. (2013) Why It Doesn't Matter to Metaphysics What Mary Learns, Philosophical Studies.
- Higgins, A., & Smith, B. (2013). A Citation Based View of the Ontology Community in Philosophy. Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2013. Paris, France
- Horne, Z., Powell, D., & Spino, J. (forthcoming) Belief Updating in Moral Dilemmas. Review of Philosophy and Psychology
- Horne, Z., & Powell, D. (2013). More than a feeling: When Emotional Reactions Don't Predict Moral Judgments. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Berlin, Germany.
- Powell, D., Horne, Z., & Pinillos, A. (forthcoming) Semantic Integration as a method for investigating concepts. Beebe, J. (ed.) Advances in Experimental Epistemology. Continuum Press.
- Powell, D., Horne, Z., Pinillos, A. & Holyoak, K. (2013). Justified True Belief Triggers False Recall of Knowing. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Berlin, Germany.
- Spino, J. (2012) Defusing Dangers of Imaginary Cases, International Journal of Applied Philosophy.
- Waskan, J., I. Harmon, Z. Horne, J. Spino, & J. Clevenger. (2013). Explanatory Anti-psychologism Overturned by Lay and Scientific Case Classifications. Synthese, (DOI 10.1007/s11229-013-0304-2).
- Waskan, J. (2011). Mechanistic Explanation at the Limit [w/ reply by J. Woodward]. Synthese, 183, 389-408.
- Waskan, Jonathan A. (2011 - online only). Intelligibility and the CAPE: Combatting Anti-psychologism about Explanation. In PhilSci Archive: Epistemology of Modeling & Simulation: Building Research Bridges between the Philosophical and Modeling Communities (Pittsburgh; 1-3 April 2011).