PoP Lab Directors
- Jonathan Livengood is an assistant professor of philosophy working on philosophy of science with an emphasis on the epistemology and metaphysics of causation. He has done experimental work on human reasoning about causation, knowledge, and reference.
- Website: http://jonathanlivengood.net/
- Email: jonathan.livengood@gmail.com
- Jon Waskan is an associate professor of philosophy whose major empirical interest concerns the role of understanding in the conceptions of explanation employed by philosophers, laypeople, and scientists. He also studies the nature of the representational vehicles that underwrite (viz., mechanistic) explanation, the concept of causation, and the role of case-based judgments in philosophy.
- Website: http://faculty.las.illinois.edu/waskan/www/WaskanAcademicPages.htm
- Email: waskan@illinois.edu